Governor´s Corner

“The Path to Personalized Medicine” / June 2024, Romania

Local Meeting Report by Dr Alina Scridon, ISCP Governor for Romania

On June 28th, 2024, the Romanian team of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy organized, with the support of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade” of Târgu Mureș, the symposium entitled “The path to personalized medicine”.

The event took place in Târgu Mureș, Romania, and gathered over 15 lecturers, nine panelists, and almost 60 attendees. The symposium was focused on personalized cardiovascular therapy in ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and thromboembolic conditions, to improve outcomes, reduce risks, and redefine the standard of care in cardiovascular medicine.

Each session comprised three lectures, focused on the most stringent controversies related to personalized cardiovascular care, and ended with an illustrative case presentation, commented by a senior cardiologist. All sessions were highly interactive. In each session, a panel of three young cardiology residents challenged the lecturers with numerous well-thought-out and intriguing questions.

Alongside Romanian experts in ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and thromboembolic conditions, Doctor Emma MAGAVERN, a clinical pharmacologist in London, UK, introduced us to the merits, clinical potential, and challenges in implementing pharmacogenomics in cardiovascular disease.

The audience mainly consisted of young cardiologists, interested in expanding their knowledge in cardiovascular care and improving their clinical practice. The event was highly appreciated, with almost all attendees considering that it has increased their knowledge and that the information provided will change their clinical practice. Also, the vast majority of the attendees felt that the event was very well organized and that it was unbiased. All attendees evaluated the quality of the lecturers and the content as being very good.

Overall, the symposium “The Path to personalized medicine” allowed us to learn the latest scientific news, that changes medical practice and enjoy cutting-edge research that prepares tomorrow’s therapies and keeps us dreaming.