Dear colleagues, pharmacists, scientists, educators, healthcare professionals, and all those passionate about advancing the field of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy,
It is with immense pride and a deep sense of responsibility that I welcome you to the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) website as the new President of this remarkable organization.
For more than four decades, the ISCP has been at the forefront of promoting scientific innovation, education, and collaboration in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. During this time, the field has undergone transformative advancements, with novel therapies revolutionizing the management of cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease, heart failure, atherosclerosis, and cardiometabolic conditions. Yet, our work is far from over. With over 500 new treatments currently in development, we stand on the cusp of an era filled with unprecedented opportunities to improve patient outcomes worldwide.
As a global organization affiliated with the World Heart Federation, ISCP brings together a diverse and vibrant membership from more than 45 countries. Our mission is clear: to enhance cardiovascular health through education, research, and the promotion of evidence-based pharmacological practices.
ISCP thrives on the contributions of our Chapter Governors, who foster education and collaborative efforts in their respective countries. Through joint sessions with local societies and community-level initiatives, we aim to broaden our reach and impact. Our official journal, the European Cardiovascular Reviews (ECR), serves as a platform for disseminating high-quality scientific knowledge and fostering dialogue among researchers and clinicians worldwide.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core principles of ISCP. We are committed to providing equitable opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or orientation. This commitment strengthens our mission and enriches our collective contributions to the global community.
I invite you to join us in this journey—whether through participating in our educational programs, contributing to our scientific discourse, or engaging in collaborative research. Together, we can drive forward the understanding and application of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy to improve lives across the globe.
Thank you for your dedication to this vital cause. I look forward to working with you and witnessing the strides we will make together in advancing cardiovascular health.

Prof. Pablo Avanzas MD, PhD, MSc, FESC
President 2025, International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
ISCP Educational Goals
The need for unbiased education on the proper use of cardiovascular drugs has never been greater. Multiple large-scale trials have provided remarkable evidence for benefit of some drugs in some disease entities, and equally remarkable evidence for the apparent lack of benefit of other drugs in other conditions. Physicians have access to all these drugs for their patients and the appropriate and inappropriate applications are becoming more confusing.
The problem is not alleviated by the growing confrontation between pharmaceutical companies and government regulators. Companies are always seeking ways to place their products in a favorable light, even when data may suggest otherwise, and regulatory restrictions on marketing are blunt tools that do not always result in a helpful message. Furthermore, the growingly draconian restrictions on the educational efforts of those who have received any support from the industry have muddied the educational stream.
The ISCP appreciates its potential role in this process as the only international organization dedicated to improving worldwide use of cardiovascular drugs. The power of these drugs to alter the course of cardiovascular disease is now well-established. Mobilizing the healthcare systems and the public to take advantage of the potential for appropriate use of these drugs is still a work in progress. That the Society can address this educational gap without the bias of industry involvement is a key ingredient to our success.
The immediate goals of ISCP are to utilize our new and enhanced website and the forums provided by national cardiovascular meetings to provide up-to-date, unbiased appraisals of optimal prescription of drugs. Enhanced cardiovascular health worldwide should be the target of our efforts.
ISCP Mission Statement
The mission of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP) is to promote and facilitate strategies to improve cardiovascular health through cooperation among cardiac physicians and surgeons, pharmacologists, pharmacists, scientists, and medical practitioners worldwide.
ISCP promotes education, research, and evidence-based clinical management in all areas of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy with the ultimate goal of prevention and improving treatment, outcome, and patient well-being.
- Promotes cooperation among individuals, organizations, and societies with an interest in CV pharmacotherapy and allied/related disciplines worldwide.
- Sponsors international and regional meetings on CV pharmacotherapy.
- Encourages collaboration among scientists, physicians, surgeons, nurses, and health care professionals with an interest in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. It offers logistic support to scientists wishing to carry out short visits to other institutions with the aim of learning techniques, training on specific pharmacotherapy topics, and exchanging research and management ideas.
- Endeavours to stimulate ethical -nondiscriminatory- research programmes, educational activities, and pharmacological treatments worldwide. ISCP strongly supports the notion of equal opportunities for individuals of all races and gender, religions, ethnic origins, citizenship, political philosophies, or sexual orientation
- Facilitates interactions among cardiovascular physicians, surgeons, pharmacologists, and scientists working on related fields under the umbrella of the World Heart Federation and other international bodies such as WHO and UNESCO.
- Promotes the development of novel CV pharmacotherapy techniques and protocols.
- Endorses and develops programmes aimed at increasing public awareness regarding pharmacological treatment issues worldwide, with special emphasis on issues specific to developing countries.
- Strives to lead CV pharmacotherapy education at all levels.
- Is committed to endorsing research and educational programmes leading to high-quality patient care.
- Supports the development of evidence-based, ethical, treatment guidelines which contemplate the specific needs of different regions in the world.