A randomized, controlled trial of simvastatin versus rosuvastatin in patients with acute myocardial infarction: the Secondary Prevention of Acute Coronary Events–Reduction of Cholesterol to Key European Targets Trial.

Aug 17, 2015

Overview:The debate over the cholesterol hypothesis and statins has raged for decades. The early period following the onset of acute coronary syndrome represents a critical stage of coronary heart disease, with a high risk of recurrent events and deaths. The... more

Predictors of Ascending Aortic Dilation in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease: A Five-year Prospective Study

Jun 03, 2015

Overview:The article focuses on the progression of aortic dilation in bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) individuals. The authors prospectively evaluate an asymptomatic cohort of BAV individuals and assess the rate of aortic growth with time. They find a mean annual rate... more

Influence of mitral regurgitation repair on survival in the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) Trial

Jun 18, 2012

Overview:This study assessed the survival impact of functional mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients with ischemic heart disease and low ejection fraction (EF<35%). The authors also assessed the impact of adding mitral valve repair (MVrep) at the time of CABG on... more

Testosterone and the Heart

Mar 09, 2021

Overview:Testosterone deficiency (TD) is a well-established and significant medical condition.1,2 It has been defined as a clinical and biochemical syndrome, associated with older age and comorbidities.3 It is characterised by a deficiency in serum androgen levels, with or without reduced genomic sensitivity... more

Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke in Women. A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association

Mar 24, 2014

Overview:Stroke is the third leading cause of death in several industrial countries and occurs in the general context of atherosclerosis. Conventional (sex, age, heredity, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and endothelial dysfunction) and non conventional (elevated levels of... more

HRT after MI: adverse events

May 02, 2012

Overview:Discontinuation of hormone replacement therapy after myocardial infarction and short term risk of adverse cardiovascular events: nationwide cohort study Background Guidelines recommend discontinuation of hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) in women diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Discontinuation of HRT can be troublesome... more

Plasma HDL cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction: a mendelian randomization study

Jun 18, 2012

Overview:The present study sought to assess whether there is a causal relationship between raising HDL and the risk for myocardial infarction (MI). Using a mendelian randomization, the authors found that in patients with genetically higher HDL the risk of MI... more

Typical angina without significant coronary stenosis: comparison of clinical profile, circadian presentation, and long-term follow-up between patients with and patients without vasospastic angina

Aug 07, 2013

Overview:Background The spectrum of patients with chest and no significant coronary stenosis is broad, with a wide range of lumen obstruction (from smooth completely normal coronary arteries to those with lesions <50%) and also including abnormal vasomotion (vasospastic angina-VA, microvascular... more


Dec 03, 2014

Overview:STUDY DESIGN A total of 18,144 patients were randomized in 1:1 blinded fashion either to ezetimibe / simvastatin (n=9,067) or to simvastatin alone (n=9,077). The inclusion criteria were (a) hospitalization for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (MI), non ST-elevation myocardial infarction or... more

Retraction of the Jikei Heart Study

Oct 21, 2013

Overview:In 2007, the Lancet published the results of the Valsartan in a Japanese population with hypertension and other cardiovascular disease (Jikei Heart Study): a randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint morbidity-mortality study (1). According to the authors, the addition of the angiotensin... more
